Sunday Express Goes Big on 9/11 Truth

15 February 2016

A mainstream news outlet in the UK has given unprecedented coverage to the 9/11 truth issue.

The Sunday Express interviewed Matt Campbell - who is seeking a new investigation into the death of his brother in the 9/11 attacks - under the headline Brother of Briton murdered during 9/11 attacks calls for inquest to be re-opened.

The report in the Express emphasised the lack of hard evidence produced to support the official account of how suicide hijackers took America by surprise and flew two planes into the World Trade Center and a third into Pentagon.

Some experts argue that the symmetrical collapse at freefall speed of a third building, WTC 7, not hit by a plane, indicates the likelihood of a pre-planned controlled demolition. Others point to government reports indicating the alleged 9/11 hijackers were given cover by Saudi Arabian diplomats in the US and were actively protected from arrest by key officials in the CIA's top secret Osama Bin Laden unit. Matt Campbell's complaint is that the authorities refuse to offer hard evidence to support the official story.

Ian Henshall, author of 911 The New Evidence, interviewed in the Independent two weeks ago on 9/11, said today: "this is the most informative article to appear on the 9/11 attacks in the mainstream media in the UK since my book serialisation in the Daily Mail some years ago.

The Express also reports on the new play I.S.I.S running in Camden, London this week. The initials stand for Intelligence, Surveillance, Infiltration and Subversion. The play by Peter Neathy, said by one critic to be cleverly written and well acted, has attracted a positive feature in the respected local paper the Camden New Journal. It postulates a group of 9/11 sceptics who are infiltrated by MI5 as part of the Cameron government's so-called Protect programme, which targets alleged conspiracy theorists as potential terrorists. The MI5 svengali is played by actor Michael Culver, widely known for his Star Wars role.

It follows the release of the hard hitting film Incontrovertible by Tony Rooke which has become an online hit. It focuses on the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7 and features Matt's interviews with a range of experts sceptical of the official story.


Matt Campbell

Ian Henshall
079469 39217

Peter Neathey
07957 391534

Tony Rooke

Daily Express link here

Independent article here

Camden New Journal article here

Incontrovertible can be viewed here or bought here

I.S.I.S is running every weekday this week at the Etcetera Theatre,
265 Camden High Street,
London NW1 7BU
(above the Oxford Arms)

Box Office 020 7482 4857