State and Corporate Crimes Against Democracy Conference
London 15th October 10am to 9pm.
After conference party 9.00pm to 2.00am
State and Corporate Crimes Against Democracy Conference
Oct 15th 2011 - London
Speakers: Prof Anthony Hall, Ian henshall, Prof Niels Harrit, David Halpin, Robin Ramsay, Martin Summers, Bridget Dunne, Tom Secker, Tim Gopsill, Tony Gosling. videos youtube
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
George Orwell
9/11, Rise of New Labour, 7/7, Death of David Kelly, global elites, nature of media control.
Meet global experts as they assess the evidence buried by the corporate media on these issues and more:
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Coffee Plant 0208 453 1144 (office hours).
Full speakers list, sessions details, latest videos presented, scroll down.
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London Saturday Oct 15th from 10.00am to 9.00pm
4th floor Studios 255 Commercial Road E1 2BT
Tube:Shadwell, aldgate East, shoreditch. Buses 15,115,135 to Commercial Rd. (Other buses nearby)
£15 (concs £12) on door. In advance £10 (concs £8) from conference sponsor Coffee Plant 0208 453 1144 (office hours)
*The war in Iraq was based on fabricated reports of Iraq's alleged WMD, a clear cut SCAD. Other likely SCADs are not so clear. World class speakers evaluate and debate the evidence.
*The conspiracy in the CIA prior to 9/11, now confirmed by White House anti-terror czar Richard Clarke, and Ali Soufan top FBI Al Qaeda expert, but buried by the media
*Tthe mysterious ringleader of the 7/7 attacks, now walking free, the revelations from the inquest and a new 7/7 film by Tom Secker 7/7: Crime and Prejudice
* The takeover of the Labour Party by "New Labour" and the godfathers who paid tens of thousands to Blair's private office.
*The legal stitchup and the sinister circumstances around the death of David Kelly.
*Media control: we all know it happens but how is it implemented
*Global elite: statistics show it is real, but how conscious, how organised are they?
Tony Hall, Professor of Globalisation Studies and author of Earth into Property, picked by the Independent as a book of the year.
David Halpin: key organiser of the David Kelly campaign. How Blair stitched up the courts and the incredible decisons of Lord Hutton.
Niels Harrit, emeritus professor and world nanothermite expert featured on the BBC's Conspiracy Files: the deadly evidence in the dust from the world trade centre and the failed character assassination.
Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster magazine, long standing deep politics expert has written extensively on how a narrow group of millionaires took over the Labour Party.
Bridget Dunne and Tom Secker of the J7 campaign, the vanishing 7/7 ringleaders and other questions the 7/7 inquest refused to consider.
Ian Henshall, author 911 The New Evidence, commentator on Talksport and PressTV: the top level whistleblowers who hold the key to the 9/11 attacks and the news editors who don't want to know.
Tim Gopsill, editor of the NUJ's The Journalist for many years, now active in the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom.
Scott Forbes, 9/11 survivor: the suspicious activities in the Twin Towers in the weeks up to 9/11.
Martin Summers, lifelong activist and Oxford PPE graduate with many personal experiences of the intelligence underworld.
Tony Gosling internet activist and host of Bristol radio show, featured in BBC's Conspiracy Files.
Paul Warburton Human Rights lawyer, 9/11 truth campaigner and independent Parliamentary candidate.
Organisers Fran Anderson (researcher) and Noel Glynn (Quakers for truth on Terrorism) are also available and will be chairing and speaking.
Full Details TBA
Includes extracts from:
the authorititive feature film by Tom Secker: 7/7 Crime and Prejudice
the new film from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: The Experts Speak Out.
The nearest place outside with quality food is some distance away. We advise you to bring sandwiches or when you buy your ticket, take the meals option of £4 each for a generous vegetarian buffet for lunch or supper.MAIN EVENTS
This is an evidence led event, the structure is normally panel discussions with a chair, the tone is respectful and not polemical. Panellists have varying opinions. We welcome short and relevant comments from the floor where there will be many people with relevant expertise.
Important note: exactly which speakers are in which session has yet to be finally decided, this is for guidance only. Jay Ginn has agreed to do some chairing.
10.30 am – 11.15 pm. Dealing with the establishment and why the media won't do their job
Session led by Tim Gopsill, with Paul Warburton, Bridget Dunne, Scott Forbes, Robin Ramsay.
11.15 am – 12.00 pm. The realities of global power: overview
Professor Tony Hall, introduced by Martin Summers.
12.00 am – 12.30. The realities of global power: the role of secret cabals: three different views with: Robin Ramsay, Tony Gosling, Martin Summers.
1.30 - 2.00. 9/11 The sinister chemical fingerprints in the World Trade Centre dust with:Niels Harrit, Scott Forbes
2.00 - 2.30. 9/11 How the latest CIA revelations in Washington could crack the case with: Ian Henshall, Niels Harrit.
2.30 to 3.30. Death of David Kelly the key evidence, the bent judge and how we opened up the media.
David Halpin on skype or another speaker from the Kelly Campaign tbc
3.30 to 4.30 How Labour was captured by a group of millionaires with : Robin Ramsay with observations from Tim Gopsill
4.30 to 5.30 7/7 The missing ringleaders and the unanswered questions
Bridget Dunne researcher and Tom Secker film maker interviewed by Ian Henshall, questions by audience
This is more flexible slot and some time may be allocated to last minute speakers eg Senator Mike Gravel has expressed interest. Speakers to be announced.
6.30 to 8.30 Where do we go from here?
30 minutes on the pro's and cons of the following options, introduced by two speakers each giving their own 5 minute view and then people from floor queuing up for a strictly limited 2 minute statement
1. Work through an existing political party or set up an new one?
2. Work on MPs, and the current media or create our own eg community radio, streaming websites?
3. Help to set up below the radar networks aimed at a Cairo style mass legal uprising?
4. Final slot to sign up people as volunteers, plug another conference and tour in six months.
8.30 to 9.00pm Keynote Roundup
Details tba. Either one speaker or three to speak for 10 minutes each. Candidates are in no particular order, and thinking of who can deliver a good speech, Antony Hall, Martin Summers, Noel Glynn, Jay Ginn, Ian Henshall
Art Exhibition 'Art for Peace' curated by Passing Clouds featuring work by artists including Kiran Chahal, Otto Schade, Schtig, Taidg, Paulo. Photographic, stencil, graffiti and painted works on the theme of Peace and Truth.